International Society on Loop Quantum Gravity
Quantum gravity aims to combine the lessons of Einstein's general theory of relativity about gravity, space and time with the insights of quantum mechanics. It is expected to lead to new insights into our fundamental understanding of the universe as it unravels the quantum nature of spacetime itself.
​Loop Quantum Gravity is a thriving research programme aimed at meeting this challenge. Born as a novel incarnation of the canonical approach to the quantization of General Relativity initiated by DeWitt, Wheeler, Bergmann and other pioneers in the 60s, it has now developed into a diverse set of ideas and perspectives, mathematical techniques and physical directions. The research is carried out by scientists all over the world.
The International Society on Loop Quantum Gravity (ISLQG) is a non-profit organization promoting research in the field of loop quantum gravity and related areas. ISLQG also supports researchers in these fields in carrying out their tasks and in pursuing their careers. Last, but not least, ISLQG seeks to inform the broader public about the fascinating scientific questions and discoveries in the area of gravitational physics and the exciting research carried out presently in loop quantum gravity.
Important areas of activity of ISLQG are supporting the organization of conferences, and more generally, the scientific exchange of its members. For example, the biennial international “Loops” conferences are held under the aegis of ISLQG. The society also aims to provide representation, advice and support for young researchers in the field, to collaborate with other scientific institutions sharing its broad objectives and to promote scientific outreach activities.
Supporting research into the quantum nature of space and time, and the researchers behind it.
General Assembly​
Main representative body of the ISLQG. It is composed of all members of the Society
​​Executive and representative body of the Society, elected by the Voting Assembly
​​​Working Groups​
1. Web Site Working Group (to be announced)
2. Junior Researchers Working Group (to be announced)
3. International LQG Seminar Working group (to be announced)